
Friday, 23 January 2009


Update for all those 'interested' people:

'Bill' is an Oligodendroglioma - a tumour located at the base of my brain stem.

Granted he is only a low grade '1' (stoopid for those in the know) but for the time being - he makes up some EXTRA fatty cells that surround all nerve cells, known as a 'myelin sheath'... And as any of you know - I DO NOT TOLERATE FAT IN MY LIFE - wanted or unwanted!

The trouble is they won't operate on 'Bill' - because they can't! If they cut too close to the area of the brain stem where 'Bill' is, they could cause too much unnecessary damage and make me a vegetable - and as ALL of you know that just wouldn't do... cos I am a certified 'MEAT'-ETERIAN!!!

So that is why the course of action that has been decided has been a combination of steroids and DHE - to reduce inter cranial pressure and thereby eliminate some/most of the pain, by resetting the pain signal in the brain! And also the combined doses of steroids and DHE have definitely resulted in some relief and I do seem to recall the Candyman (The Neuro) saying they were pleased with the results thus far.

ANY relief/shrinkage/lack of pain at this stage is welcome!! The talk of severing the occipital nerves at the base of my skull has not been bandied about too much of late either - but in hindsight it is a rather 'permanent' solution to discover that you don't like being called a 'numbskull' - literally! And so they have spoken about the less permanent option of occipital nerve block injections to SEE how I react FIRST before any permanent decisions are made!

The downside of some of the treatment thus far has been far outweighed by the benefits - but the thrice daily doses of IV drugs and steroids have become nauseating to say the least - and I am pleased to say that nothing I eat for breakfast; lunch or supper gets a chance to weld itself to the walls of my gut either! All in all I think I may just come out looking like a Greek God - instead of a goddamn Greek (no offence to any Greeks out there!!)

Anyhoo - I must get back to my busy schedule of hurl; bekak and sleep - so Chin up ol' boy - there's life in this old bastard yet! You can't stomp on good ol' Scottish stock!! As I always say - "Don't bang on the kennel till you've seen the size of the Bitch Fight inside..."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember learning all about oligodendrocytes in my neuroscience lectures whilst studying for my physio degree! Trust you to be the greedy bastard and eat ALL the myelin!!!
Sounds like Dr nerve has a plan! Good man!
Keep us updated! Thinking of you! x
Kirsty, Pete and the mini weavers xx