Yip I have been HORRIFIC on keeping the updates on the blog going - but if the truth be told, I have been truly blindsided by the recovery time that I have had to go through over the past few months from the stomach op. Since my op, I have battled CONSTANT pain and NIGHTMARE migraines, as I cannot take too many pain killers, for fear of stuffing up my already delicate stomach - and been almost constantly nauseous. I also knew that I had to try and get my strength up for my next stint in hospital which has been looming ever closer.
Needless to say - that's not an excuse - so please let me just say: Sorry.
2008 was not a year I will look back on fondly. In the words of Queen Betts: "It was my Anus Horribalus" - my horrible bum...
But the last few months of 2008 did fortunately shape up to be better in the end. We had a DREAM Christmas that was filled with what EVERY Christmas should be - Family; Food and LOOT! And boy oh boy did we score BEEG this year!
Spoiling aside - Robs and I sneaked off, at the end of last year for a belated second honeymoon and a fabulous end to the year, while my mum got to spend valuable Nanna and Shaugie time with her beloved third grandchild.
The other good news is that I'm off to Hospital tomorrow Morning (Monday the 19th of January 2009) for a minimum of two weeks. YIP I KNOW THAT SOUNDS STRANGE - but it was decided in December, when I saw my FABULOUS new Neurosurgeon, that I was to be admitted for a minimum of 14 days, so that they could assess the tumour, and decide what course of treatment they were going to take with regards to removing/ reducing the size of said wee beastie.
The bad news (for me) is, that I will NOT be receiving ANY pain relief while in hospital. This was made patently clear, as they need me to be in as much pain as possible. Now I hear a whole heap of you saying: "What kinda crackpot health system would do THAT to someone in pain to try and help them." The truth is, I cannot have pain relief, as they are planning on definitely performing Occipital Nerve Block injections and very possibly severing the occipital nerves at the base of my skull entirely, in an effort to try and kwell the pain PERMANENTLY in the event that they cannot operate on the wee beastie and or reduce or it. So long term benefit for short term pain!
There are a whole HEAP of Ifs, Buts and Maybes hanging on the line - but the Neurosurgeon has said that he will try EVERY avenue that he can medically, to offer me a solution - no promises - but at this stage ANY hope is being grasped at with BOTH hands.
While in hospital I will also be receiving an IV infusion of DHE or dehydroergotomine. That is supposed to stave off any severe migraines that may happen - but it will not offer me relief from the day to day pain that I feel.
So that means that I will, more likely than not - be incommunicado for the next wee while - but I promise to let you all know how it has gone once I am out.
So I'll see y'all soon and be good while I'm not here!
Lotsa Love
Ryan, thanks for the update. You are in our thoughts and prayers! I'm sorry about the pain, absolutely hideous because you can't get away from it when it is in your head and you generally take that with you wherever you go ;)
So, for 2 weeks no news is good news but after that any news is good news!!
Ryan I am on my way with some Grandpa Powders, just hang on there............. jokes aside, that is terrible!!! We are hoping and [rauing that the get to the root of alll this. I rmember you having these bad "head aches" like 20 years ago!!!! love the Dunne's down under
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