OBVIOUSLY, we didn't give him the FULL £25, that was divided up between four other people: £5 from Robs and I; £5 from his Nanna; £5 from his beloved Poppa; and £10 from Nanna and Poppa's WRETCHED mates who we shall call 'Barbie and Ken'. I was DEAD SET against it at first, as I told them all, that as soon as the crafty wee critter cottoned on to the rather lucrative enterprise of mining his golden gnashers, all HELL would break loose!
Well that didn't take too long to happen now did it??! Of course not! So far, seƱor Onion has 'mined' FOUR of the dainty cash cows, and last night he mined his fifth... Now what we DID do, to our credit, was lower the amount given for this precious resource in increments - quite LARGE increments - until we got down to an OUTLANDISH £5 for the last one...
So this morning my mini Donald Trump squeezed his peepers open before the sparrows had even farted, and what was the first thing he did?! Yup! You guessed it: He made straight for the Tooth Fairy's Pillow, to withdraw the filthy lucre that had magically found it's way into his bedroom; only to discover, that the by now bankrupt Tinkerbell had '...only left four bloomin' Pounds Dad!'
To which I deftly replied: 'Yes boy, I know... Agnes asked me to tell you that she has deducted a pound for taxes...'
25 quid??? TWENTY FIVE QUID??????? Are you off your trolley? In SA ront that could buy him a full set of false teeth!
I feel like a scrooge now, as Ryan omly got 10 ront for his 1st tooth.. and sadly for him there have been no more teeth out! (Still has a crater in his mouth from where he RIPPED his previous tooth out... so desperate was he for the tooth fairy to visit!)
Kirsty sweetie! I only gave him a fiver! It was the other criminals that turned it into £25!!! I was dead set against it! But we are talking Grandparents here! It'll never happen again. Trust me!
lol - glad you managed to bring it down, my poor kids only got R2 a tooth so they very quickly lost interest, especially as the tooth fairy kept getting lost and takign 2 days to arrive :0)
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