Yeah, Yeah. I know. I am an horrific blogger and it just is not acceptable. I know that I said I was going to change my ways - but the truth is - I am just in so much pain, I cannot be arsed to even TRY and attempt a blog entry. About a month or three ago; I had a conversation with Mel, from Simply Mel, and I expressed to her that I was really battling to get the inspiration to write these entries.
During the course of our conversation, I was reminded of just WHY I started really writing this blog, and the reason was so that I could make sense of 'Bill' and keep distant friends and family up to date.
Well so far I think I have only managed to kinda make sense of 'Bill' - and I think I failed dismally in keeping you peeps up to date! Those of you that follow me on Facebook probably have a clearer idea of just how I am doing - cos I can usually manage a few sentences when the urge bites.
SO! I'm stuck in a bit of a dilema. Because I know that people are reading my blog at some time or another, but I just don't know who EXACTLY those people are. Do I carry on the blog? Or do I put this baby to bed and kiss it goodnight?
